Dirty Dish Prayer List

Awhile ago my dishwasher decided to stop working.  I called in a repairman who couldn’t get it to work, suggested a new one, and charged me $50.  He also said before we got a new one we needed to have some electrical work done.  My husband touched the dishwasher that night and it miraculously started …

Privileged for a Purpose

President Obama was recently quoted as saying, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.”  It’s been in the news.  It has gotten a lot of small business owners and conservatives upset.  There are unflattering pictures of Obama paired with cute little quips popping up on my Facebook page …

The Messy Mommy Ministry- A Call to Action (Or Inaction?)

The plan was to have a good friend come over for dinner on Easter Sunday.  I told her 5 o’clock because we would be getting home from church at around noon and I wanted plenty of time to get my house clean before she arrived.  I think I’ve let on a few times that I …